
Inspire & Achieve is based on the conviction that education is essential to a healthy society. It is our vision to ensure higher education continues to be a catalyst for positive change and a force that can transform the lives of individuals and families while advancing the economic and civic health of society.

On Wednesday, May 2, 2018, Inspire & Achieve awarded nine students the prestigious Miranda Bouldin STEM Scholarship. The scholarship is designed to encourage students to pursue study in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM) while attending a 4-year Alabama college or university, and upon graduation, use that knowledge in support of the Defense Industry.

Our 2018 Miranda Bouldin STEM Scholarship Winners!


From left to right: Inspire & Achieve/Logiore President/CEO, Miranda Bouldin, Marc Williams, Peyton Perry, Daniel Torres, Anna Catherine Snyder, Georgiana Wright, Devin Harvey, Ireland Braudaway, Emma Givens

Ireland Braudaway
Hazel Green High School
University of Alabama

Ireland Braudaway is a graduate of Hazel Green High School and will attend the University of Alabama to pursue a degree in Electrical Engineering. Ireland was a member of the Red Line Dance Team all 4 years of high school, a member of the National Honor Society, Art Club, SGA, and French Honor Society. She is excited to have a variety of career options available to her after completing her degree. She attributes her interest in Engineering to numerous influences one of which is growing up the Rocket City which was named the top of the city in the country for Engineers by Forbes Magazine, 2015.

Emma Givens
Lawrence County High School
University of Alabama

Emma Givens is a graduate of Lawrence County High School. She will attend the University of Alabama to pursue a degree in Biology. One of Emma’s many academic accomplishments includes her appearance on “FAB LAB”, a television show geared toward recruiting young women for STEM careers. Emma is active in her church ministry, mission team and regularly participates in local community service projects. Emma was ranked first in her graduating class maintaining a 4.45-grade point average throughout high school.

Devin Harvey
Hazel Green High School
University of North Alabama

Devin Harvey is a graduate of Hazel Green High School and will attend the University of North Alabama to pursue a degree in Sports Medicine. Devin is a member of the National Honor Society, a Trojan Ambassador, FCCLA member and won highest GPA in both Marketing Principles and World History. He is a gifted athlete playing varsity basketball, running track for the varsity team and played varsity football throughout high school (two as captain). Devin was recently awarded the Huntsville Hospital Athlete of the Week Award.

Lauren Jessica Heard
Hazel Green High School
Auburn University

Lauren Jessica Heard is a graduate of Hazel Green High School. She will attend Auburn University to pursue a degree in Chemical Engineering. Jessica hopes to utilize her degree to help research and discover new medications including vaccines and cancer treatments. She plans to continue her education to include Pharmaceutical Science. During her time at Hazel Green High, Jessica was president of her senior class, captain of the marching band color guard and a Trojan Ambassador.

Peyton Perry
Hazel Green High School
University of Southern Alabama

Peyton Perry is a graduate of Hazel Green High School that will attend the University of Alabama in Birmingham to pursue a double major of Neuroscience and Immunology. Peyton has a particular interest in Alzheimer’s research and intends to focus on being a part of the discovery and cure for the devastating disease. Peyton is a member of the National Honor Society, a Trojan Ambassador, and a United Way and S.P.E.A.K. (suicide prevention) Ambassador. Peyton is a member of the Hazel Green Medical Auxiliary which he feels has helped prepare him to pursue his interest in neurology and psychiatry.

Anna Catherine Snyder
Hazel Green High School
University of Alabama

Anna Catherine Snyder is a graduate of Hazel Green High School and will attend the University of Alabama to pursue a degree in Finance and Statistics. Anna has been involved in several organizations throughout high school including Student Government and The Junior Optimist. She was very active in her career tech student organizations and a member of both Health Occupation Students of America and Future Business Leaders of America for all 4 years. Anna is a member of the National Honor Society, French Honor Society, and 30+ Club.

Daniel Torres
East Limestone High School
University of Alabama Huntsville

Daniel Torres is a graduate of East Limestone High School. He will attend the University of Alabama in Huntsville to pursue a degree in Chemistry. Daniel developed an interest in Chemistry at an early age; he says that math and science are topics that are discussed daily in his home. His father and brother are both in the engineering field and his older sister is currently in medical school. Daniel speaks fluent Spanish, plays guitar, and is a regular volunteer at the Downtown Rescue Mission and Windsor House Elderly Center. He is a member of First Priority, a student Christian club at East Limestone, and was recently the keynote speaker for the club.

Marc Williams
Buckhorn High School
University of South Alabama

Marc Williams is a graduate of Buckhorn High School and will attend the University of South Alabama to pursue a degree in Physical Therapy. Marc’s interest in the Physical Therapy field stems from his years as an athlete. Marc is an Eagle Scout, a member of the Youth Passage Program, and he held the honorable position of Platoon Sergeant in the Buckhorn High School JROTC program. Marc is very involved in his church as an active member of the Dance Ministry; Youth Usher’s Ministry, Sunday School Passage, Youth Mid-Week Bible Study and was chosen to represent his church to attend the National Baptist Convention 3 consecutive years.

Georgiana Wright
Columbia High School
Alabama A&M

Georgiana Wright is a graduate of Columbia High School. She will attend Alabama A&M to pursue a degree in Computer Science. Georgiana attributes her love of science to watching her father build a foundation of financial stability after the many obstacles the family faced as Jamaican Immigrants. She has started on her path into Biotechnology by creating a machine learning to detect abnormalities in mammograms. She was the first female captain of her high school’s Cyber patriot team, a member of Student Government, the Alabama Model United Nations Program and a S.P.E.A.K. (suicide prevention) Ambassador. Georgiana achieved an S-5 in JROTC was the captain of the color guard and participated in the Genes in Space Program.

To view past winners, please Click Here

Congratulations to all of our 2018 Miranda Bouldin STEM Scholarship winners!

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Inspire & Achieve is a Non-Profit Organization promoting higher education, undergraduate scholarships, and Cybersecurity awareness to the community. For additional information, please email us at info@inspireandachieve.net.

1 Comment

  1. Fred Frost says:

    Way to go! LogiCore

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